The Relevance of the Keduk’an System to the Realization of Food Sovereignty: A Study in Juku Batu Village, Indonesia
keduk'an system, pengkeduk, food sovereigntyAbstract
Keduk'an is a profit sharing system for agricultural products in Juku Batu Village, Banjit District, Way Kanan Regency, Lampung Province, Indonesia. This keduk'an system is different from the kedokan system in the others areas. The purpose of this study is to find the characteristics of the power system and its relationship to food sovereignty. This research is important because it is related to efforts to fulfill food for the poor. The research method used is Socio Legal with a descriptive approach to dig up information from the parties involved in the public health system. The research location is Juku Batu Village, Banjit District, Way Kanan Regency, Lampung, Indonesia. The results of the study found three important things that were relevant in food sovereignty, namely: first, in the status system of economic values, cultural values, and social values, and religious values. This duk'an system can be adopted elsewhere in order to realize food sovereignty.
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