Application of check-all-that-apply (CATA) in sensory profile assessment of arabica dark roast and black pepper mixed coffee


  • Aminullah Djuanda University


Black pepper coffee is one of the developing innovations in Bangka Belitung Province, Indonesia. This study aimed to assess black pepper coffee's sensory profile using the CATA (check-all-that-apply) rapid analysis method and find the formula and brewing technique most consumers liked. The study consisted of two stages: determining the sensory attributes of black pepper coffee and taking sensory data from coffee consumers with coffee and black pepper powder ratios (98:2; 96:4; and 94:6) and brewing methods (cold brew, drip V60 brew, and tubruk). The analysis used in this CATA included the Cochran's Q test, correspondence analysis, principal coordinate analysis (PCoA), and penalty analysis using the XLSTAT 2019 software. The results showed that there were 14 sensory attributes in this research, including bitterness, acidity, sweetness, spicy, caramel, black tea, dark chocolate, smoky, hints of black pepper, hints of cinnamon, hints of ginger, hints of lemongrass, brown sugar, and body/mouthfeel. Statistical analysis showed that the addition of black pepper and type of brewing had a significant effect (5% level) on black pepper coffee's sensory attributes, except for bitterness, spicy, and hints of black pepper based on the Cochran’s test. According to the panelists, the ideal black pepper coffee was coffee with acidity, sweetness, body/mouthfeel, spicy, hints of black pepper, and bitter with attributes of acidity, sweetness, and hints of black pepper were included in the must-have attribute. Based on the overall analysis, cold brew coffee with 4% black pepper was a treatment that close to the ideal black pepper coffee.


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How to Cite

Aminullah, NURAZIZAH, I. ., & ARYANTI NUR’UTAMI, D. . (2021). Application of check-all-that-apply (CATA) in sensory profile assessment of arabica dark roast and black pepper mixed coffee. Future of Food: Journal on Food, Agriculture and Society, 9(4). Retrieved from



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