Sustainability Assessment for Asparagus Farms that Work with a Community-Supported Agriculture Model in Turkey


  • Sevil Acar Bogazici University
  • Banu Özden


sustainability, small farms, community-supported agriculture, asparagus farms


Due to the diversified nature of agricultural systems, it is difficult to handle the sustainability aspects of different farming practices. With an intention to evaluate the sustainability of the com-munity-supported agriculture (CSA) model in Turkey, the current study focuses on asparagus farms and designs farm-specific sustainability indicators that would be helpful for the farmers. The framework developed for this purpose consists of 20 environmental, 8 economic, and 17 social sustainability indicators derived and adapted from an extensive literature. The indicators are then used to form survey questions to gather data directly from the farmers. The results show that these farms are sustainable in some aspects, mostly from a social sustainability perspective, and not in others. In order to be fully sustainable, they need to make alterations in some of the agricultural practices on the farm, diversify their production, measure their environmental impacts on the air, soil, and water, and most importantly define successors for their farms in order to keep asparagus production for the years to come.


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How to Cite

Acar, S., & Özden, B. (2022). Sustainability Assessment for Asparagus Farms that Work with a Community-Supported Agriculture Model in Turkey. Future of Food: Journal on Food, Agriculture and Society, 10(3). Retrieved from



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