Future of Food: Journal on Food

Aims & Scope

Future of Food: Journal on Food, Agriculture & Society (FOFJ) was founded in 2012 in order to provide a platform for scientific debate on agriculture and food-related themes with the goal of a sustainable future for people and planet. The journal is aimed at contributing to debates on sustainable food production and consumption, and is most interested in tackling the most important challenges to the global agri-food system, such as hunger and malnutrition, depletion of natural resources, climate change, threats to biodiversity, and inequity in the agrarian sphere. The journal understands itself as a multi-disciplinary effort and is especially designed to foster interaction between different disciplines and approaches. Hence it invites inputs from social and natural sciences, arts and humanities, academics and scholar-activists, civil society and agroecology practitioners.

The journal is attempting to reach its goal by providing open access to readers and allowing contributions without submission fees or publication fees. Contributors are kindly asked to keep in mind that the journal is a non-profit endeavour and that staff time is limited. The journal cannot provide guarantees or financial support for any submission and cannot accept legal responsibility for any stage of the submission process. The Editorial Board is made up by a range of international experts who devote time and energy to peer review and its members deserve gratitude and recognition for their excellent work. All communication between authors, editors, reviewers and editorial staff is conducted in an atmosphere of mutual respect. The journal will not tolerate racism, religious, ethnic and national chauvinism, misogynous and hate language and reserves the right to bar anyone who disrespects these principles from using the platform. 

Future of Food: Journal on Food, Agriculture & Society publishes three times a year; each issue has a thematic focus previously announced through Calls for Papers. The journal will not accept research articles without a linkage to the proposed theme, and contributors are requested to make clear the connection of their submission to the theme of the issue. However, in other sections contributions might be offered which are not related to the issue’s thematic focus. All research articles are first screened by editorial staff; if accepted in this first stage, the submission will undergo a rigorous double blind peer review. The journal will only accept submissions with a high scientific standard, originality, integrity, and written in accessible language, and with a high relevance to the scope of the journal. It will not publish solely technical contributions that are not plainly connected to questions of sustainability. It strives to encompass critical reviews, analysis of current developments, and news and reports on current trends, events, and innovations.

In the spirit of these aims, the Future of Food: Journal on Food, Agriculture & Society requests contributions from interested individuals and groups the world over.

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