Article Processing Fee
Journal: The Future of Food Journal
Scopus Ranking: Q4
Publication Type: Open Access
APC: £1200 GBP
The Future of Food Journal a Q4 Scopus-indexed journal, offers an open-access model to ensure that your research reaches a wide audience. This model allows unrestricted access to published articles, promoting a greater exchange of knowledge across the scientific community.
APC Details
The standard APC for publishing in FOF is GBP 1200. This fee is applicable for all accepted papers and includes:
- Peer review management
- Production and hosting of articles
- Online tools for editors and authors
- Customer support
- Open access provision
Why Open Access?
Open Access publishing ensures that your research is accessible to all, without barriers. This visibility can lead to increased citation and usage, contributing to the scientific community and public understanding.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: What does the APC cover?
A: The APC covers all aspects of the publication process, including peer review, indexing, and maintenance of digital archives.