Editorial Team
Head of Editorial Board
Prof. Dr. Angelika Ploeger, Chair, Specialized Partnerships in Sustainable Food Systems and Food Sovereignty, Faculty of Organic Agricultural Sciences, Uni Kassel, Germany.
Tetyana Tymoshchuk, Department of Health of Phytocenoses and Trophology of the Polissіa
National University, Ukraine.
Section Editors
- Albrecht Dr., Stephan, FSP BIOGUM, University of Hamburg, Germany
- Allahverdiyeva Dr., Naiba, University of Kassel, Germany
- Belik Prof. Dr., Walter, University of Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil
- Boroneant Dr., Constanta, Institute of Geography & GIS, Romanian Academy, Spain
- Brears, Robert C., Mitidaption, New Zealand
- Cline Prof., Ken Scott, College of the Atlantic, Bar Harbor, Maine, USA
- Comen Prof. Dr., Todd, J, School of Hospitality Management Endicott College Beverly, Massachusetts, USA
- David Dr., Wahyudi, University of Bakrie, Indonesia
- Ejarque i Gonzalez Dr., Elisabet, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
- El Habbasha Prof. Dr., El Sayed Fathi, National Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt
- Freddy Ass. Prof Dr., Haans J., Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development, India
- Frick Dr., Martin, United Nations, Italy
- Fuchs, Nikolai, GLS Treuhand, Germany
- Galešić Dr., Morena, University of Split, Split (Croatia)
- Ghambashidze Dr., Giorgi, Agricultural University of Georgia,Georgia
- Grichting Dr., Anna, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar
- Haboub Prof. Dr., Nasser, The Arab Centre for the Studies of Arid zones and Dryland, ACSAD, Syria
- Hmaidosh Dr., Diana, Ministry of Agriculture, Syria
- Houdret Dr., Annabelle, German Development Institute (DIE), Germany
- Hussain Dr., Belayeth, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia.
- Hussein Dr., Hussam, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
- Keeffe Prof., Greg, Queens University Belfast, Ireland
- Koncagül Dr., Engin, United Nations World Water Assessment Programme, Paris, France
- Kowenje Prof., Crispin, Maseno University, Kenya
- Lücke Prof. Dr, Friedrich-Karl, Applied Sciences University of Fulda, Germany
- Lee Prof. Dr., Howard, Hadlow College, Hadlow, Tonbridge, United Kingdom
- Leiber Dr., Florian, The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Switzerland
- Marlène Dr., Leroux, University of Geneve, Switzerland
- Myra Dr., Posluschny-Treuner, School of Engineering and Architecture, Switzerland
- Palupi Dr., Eny, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia
- Perrin Dr., Coline, NRA Department of Science for Action and Development (SAD), Cedex 1, France
- Pirker, Johannes, Ecosystems Services and Management, Austria
- Reddy Prof. Dr., Chinnappa, University of Agriculture Science, India
- Reinbott Dr., Anika, German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ), Bonn, Germany
- Roy Dr., Devparna, Nazareth College, USA
- Schürmann Dr., Felix, University of Erfurt, Germany
- Tantrigoda Dr., Pavithra, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA
- Tehrani Dr., Mahsa Vaez, Tarbiat Modares University (TMU), Tehran, Iran
- Uçak Dr., Ilknur, Nigde Omer Halisdemir University, Turke
- Urushadze Prof. Dr., Teo, School of Agricultural and Nature Science, Agricultural University of Georgia, Georgia
- Van Loon Dr., Marloes P., Wageningen UR, Netherlands
- Vanni Dr., Francesco, University of Bologna, Italy
- von Fragstein Prof. Dr., Peter, University of Kassel, Germany
- Wiehle Dr., Martin, University of Kassel, Germany
- Dr Tanzeem Ahmed Siddiqui, NEOM EIA Review Senior Consultant -Sustainability and Environmental Division, KEO International Consultants, Saudi Arabia
- Ivanova Iryna Yevhenivna, Department of Crop Production and Horticulture, Faculty of Agrotechnologies and Ecology, Dmytro Motornyi Tavria State Agrotechnological University, Ukraine